Friday, September 30, 2011

New York, Remembered

A few entries back I showed you some of the interesting architectural additions to buildings  I noticed while visiting New York City. Today I want you to look with me at some other decorations that make New York City interesting.
 Animals and odd beings are the norm.
I was with a group of people who was visiting the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations.  It seemed that the street signs were making an editorial statement as we entered the building where we would meet.  We entered the Church Center then went to the 7th floor, passing the offices of several other denominations with whom the Presbyterians work in seeking justice as they lobby representatives of the United Nations member countries.

Our visit included a tour of the United Nations. My most memorable site was the Meditation Room.
The stained glass mural was given no description nor  did it need to one.
Faces from throughout the world and throughout history gazed at each other and at me.
The goal of the United Nations is Peace
When we make war we affect all of creation both human . . .
. . . and non-human. The large Mola on the wall portrays more of the world threatened by our battles.
The United Nations was formed to bring an end to wars.
To bring justice to a broken world.
Our trip, though, was not all meditative. 
The rooms of the Presbyterian Ministry provided us a view of the City that we would soon explore.
From city icons such as its bridges . . .
 to a view that is all New York.
What you are looking at, to the left, are the street markings showing what is buried beneath.  From sewers to electric lines to telephone lines to subway lines. The streets are marked in a code that hopefully someone understands.
New York is an exciting place to be.
A place full of movement.
A place to savor the flavors,
The movement,
and the colors,

Contrary to what this sign says, people should never find New York "BORING."

Our trip was to learn what Presbyterians and other Christian denominations are doing to work toward justice, to bring peach and what we, as individuals may do to help.
While there, several of us made ribbons with wishes of peace that was to be woven into a memorial for the ten-year remembrance of the World Trade Center destruction; the plane crashes that not destroyed two landmark buildings but also destroyed the lives of people of many religious faiths, many nationalities.  It was a time to remember the lives lost in the fall, including the scores of fireman and policemen who were there to help. 
Both that day and on this trip we were changed by the imprint of what we learned, what we saw and what we felt.


Out on the prairie said...

The stained glass looks like a Marc Chagall design. Lovely shots to share.

Nellie from Beyond My Garden said...

Prairie, It is Marc Chagall's window, the Peace window was commissioned as a memorial to Dag Hammarskold and all who had lost their lives in the cause of peace. A restoration was completed in 2005. For more information you may go to
It was very moving to view.

Andrea said...

Hello Nellie, these are very interesting combinations of photos, you've really captured the range of what can be seen there. And you left us certain meanings to a lot of things, to contemplate on! Those symbolism in buildings made me think of David Icke's writings; e.g. The Biggest Secret, as well as Langdon who wrote Davinci Code, Angels and Demons among others. I am wondering who or what really controls the world! Lastly, thanks for the tour of a famous place which i might not be able to see personally in this lifetime.

Nellie from Beyond My Garden said...

Andrea, if you ever do make it to New York. be sure you come to WV for a visit.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am afraid of heights, so got a little dizzy looking DOWN at those cars. i thought teeming city on the last few. the stained glass is awesome. thanks for my 5 minute trip to NYC. enjoyed it a lot.

April said...

I just wanted to give you a wave! I'm the girl who was working at Penzey's that day you and your friends came through B-ham. :D

Nellie from Beyond My Garden said...

Yay April. Thanks gor stopping by. I will be looking for your writings..